09/04/2014 16:18

Fr. Anton JAVORSKY (PNG-AUS) 23.03.02; 21-39-41-46-46

Fr. Anton, son of Martin and Anna Martinkova and a native of Stiavnik, Slovakia, entered the SVD seminary in that city in 1932. He went through novi­tiate and philosophy in Nitra and went on to Vienna for his theology. Ordained a priest in 1946 he passed through Rome and then to Australia, where he...

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09/04/2014 16:15

Fr. Werner ANGENENT (PNG) 21.04.02; 41-61-63-67 -67

Fr. Werner, born to Albert and Maria Kremer, grew up in Bienen, diocese of Muenster. He began his studies in Steyl in 1955, went to St. Gabriel for his novi­tiate and philosophy before proceeding to S10 Augustine for his theology and ordination. Assigned to PNG in 1969 he worked in the stations of...

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09/04/2014 16:12

Fr. Wilbert MORMAN (USe) 24.10.00; 19-39-41-45-46

Fr. Wilbert's father and mother were from the Lower Rhine region, Germany, who immigrated to Miller City, Ohio, USA. His parish priest, a former SVD from Germany, remained t close to the Society and led many of the Morman boys to our f seminary. His brother Edmund also became an SVD, another )...

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