29/10/2012 05:39
Synod issues clarion call to the New Evangelization
In a beautiful “message to the People of God,” the Synod of Bishops has challenged all Catholics to take up the task of the New Evangelization.
In a summary of the Final Message approved by the Synod participants on October 24, the participants explained that the New Evangelization “is not a...
27/10/2012 17:58
Merciful Father, from the abundance of Your love, You sent to us Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Light of nations.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, lead us during this Year of Faith to a renewed conversion to the Lord Jesus and to the rediscovery of faith. May we be credible and joy-filled...
27/10/2012 17:54
Concluding message from Synod of Bishops
Vatican City, Friday 26 October 2012
Brothers and sisters,
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:7). Before returning to our particular Churches, we, Bishops of the whole world gathered by the invitation of the Bishop of Rome Pope Benedict XVI to...
27/10/2012 17:52
Synod on the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith
By Bishop Otto Separy - Aitape
Representative for Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands
Vatican City, October 2012
I bring you fraternal greetings from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, one of the four Conferences of Oceania in the Far East of the...
23/10/2012 15:37
Faith is love
A letter from Fr. John Glynn OL
Jubilee Catholic Secondary School, Port Moresby
There are two articles in particular in the October issue of Catholic Reporter that excited my interest. I believe they are closely related to each other. They appear on Page 3 – ‘Catholic Professionals Stress...
23/10/2012 15:34
Brother Mario Fardin PIME: a builder of skills and an inspiration for the Year of Faith
By Zen de Guzman-Alaluku
“I believe that a missionary like him will be an inspiration for the Year of Faith”, says Alotau Bishop Rolando Santos, CM about Brother Mario Fardin, PIME who has spent 5 years of his missionary life in Italy, 25 in Bangladesh, and 20 in Papua New Guinea. ...
20/10/2012 14:49
Explaining the New English and Pisin Missal
By Most Rev. Henk te Maarssen SVD
Emeritus Bishop of Kundiawa
In the Catholic Reporter of October 2012 Fr. Harry Gahare asked for an explanation of the changes in the new version of the Mass in English and Pisin. Many other...
20/10/2012 13:53
Klia gut long nupela Buk Misa
Bisop Henk te Maarssen SVD i raitim
Retired Bisop bilong Kundiawa
Nupela Buk Misa i bin kamap long Goroka long 20 Oktoba. Na long mun Novemba ol peris inap baim dispela nupela Buk Misa Long LCI, na ol pris bai inap yusim, stat long Namba Wan Sande bilong Atven, Disemba 2. Inap long...
17/10/2012 23:01
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – As every year, in view of World Mission Day, this year celebrated on Sunday, October 21, Fides News Service offers some statistics chosen to give a panorama of the missionary church all over the world. The tables are taken from the latest edition of the “Church’s...
17/10/2012 23:00
The Most Revd Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, will be visiting PNG on 20-25 October this year. Catholic Reporter asked Rt Revd Peter Ramsden, Bishop of Port Moresby in the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, to shed light on this historic event for the Christian Churches in the...