17/10/2012 22:59
Evangelization Ad Gentes: the exhortation of the Secretary General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - This year the celebration of World Mission Sunday has a very special meaning as it coincides with the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, with its decree Ad Gentes, the opening of the Year of Faith and the Synod of Bishops on the theme of...
17/10/2012 22:57
The new evangelization in Oceania
By John Atcherley Dew
Archbishop of Wellington, New Zeland
Report exposed during the Synod on the New Evangelization (Rome, 7-28 October, 2012):
1. Here in this Aula, at the Synod for Oceania 1998, Father Timothy Radcliffe, then Prior General of the Dominicans coined the beautiful phrase...
17/10/2012 22:56
VATICAN CITY, 25 JAN 2012 (VIS) - Made public today was the Pope's Message for World Mission Day, which falls this year on Sunday 21 October. The theme of the document is: "Called to radiate the word of truth". Extracts of the message are given below.
"This year the celebration of World Mission...
17/10/2012 22:55
Young people and the Year of Faith
By Fr. Srimal Priyanga SDB
What better opportunity is there to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the key themes of our faith than now! This is the Year of Faith which began on 11 October 2012 and concludes on the 24th November, 2013. Pope Benedict has urged us to ‘rediscover the joy of...
17/10/2012 22:53
Prime Minister applauds DWU
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has applauded Divine Word University (DWU) for the annual Missioning Ceremony it hosted for outgoing final year students. Speaking as guest of honour at the ceremony at the Madang campus last Friday 12 October, 2012, Mr O’Neill said the “missioning” of students to go...
17/10/2012 20:54
CBC Secretary General expresses satisfaction at improved city patrolling
“Police are now patrolling Gordon’s market and other parts of Port Moresby”, Catholic Bishops Conference (CBC) Secretary General, Fr Victor Roche SVD said in a note today. “I do not know how long this would last - he added – but our call is to weed out the attitude of the criminals with...
16/10/2012 09:53
The new evangelization in Oceania
By John Atcherley Dew
Archbishop of Wellington, New Zeland
Report exposed during the Synod on the New Evangelization (Rome, 7-28 October, 2012):
1. Here in this Aula, at the Synod for Oceania 1998, Father Timothy Radcliffe, then Prior General of the Dominicans coined the beautiful phrase...
16/10/2012 08:55
The Stage that is Facebook
By Ludmilla Salonda
DWU, Madang
All the world’s a stage
And it is Facebook;
A canvass we face
to paint our lives;
Or a meeting place to gather
to wait, meet, greet
laugh and cry
Then log out to log in
Again and again.
Many enter to paint the canvass
with happy strokes of...
15/10/2012 19:28
Young people and the Year of Faith
By Fr. Srimal Priyanga SDB
What better opportunity is there to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the key themes of our faith than now! This is the Year of Faith which began on 11 October 2012 and concludes on the 24th November, 2013. Pope Benedict has urged us to ‘rediscover the joy of...
15/10/2012 19:27
Golden Jubilee long Poland
Fr. AdrianAdamik i raitim
Long tripela mun (Jun, Julai na Ogas) Arsbisop William Kurtz, SVD i bin stap long homliv na i bin visitim ol lain bilong religis orda bilong em (SVD) na bihain i bin go nastap liklik wantaim famili bilong em. Ol i amamas taim ol i bin lukim Arsbisop na ol i bin...