24/10/2013 13:27

Bishop Tony Burgess funeral arrangements in Sydney

Bishop Tony Burgess funeral arrangements in Sydney

By Anne Benjamin - Sydney

Dear Friends,

By now, many of you will be aware that our dear brother, +Tony, slipped away
from us this morning around 8.00. He had developed pneumonia in the last day
or so and this rapidly took hold of him. All the great fight that he had
demonstrated over the past six weeks (really, two years) was over. He had no
resistance left and he was at peace.

Tony always appreciated the messages, phone calls, visits, prayers and
encouragement he received from so many of you. True to this, his last words
to me when I left him last night were to thank me for being there. Our
younger brother, Greg, was with Tony this morning when he died. This is
just one of the many blessings that have been ours as we have journeyed with

Tony's funeral will be celebrated in St Mary's Cathedral Sydney next
Wednesday, 30th October, at 10.30am. Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne
will be Chief Celebrant. He has been a friend of Tony's from seminary days.
Unfortunately, Cardinal Pell, who was also a classmate, will still be

Many people have asked for the details of Tony's funeral and I would ask
that you pass this information on to those who might require it.

Thank you for your kindness, messages of prayers and sympathy. They provide
great comfort. And, in turn, as a family, we offer you our condolences on
the passing of your pastor, colleague and friend.

Warm regards,

Anne Benjamin
(On behalf of the Burgess Family)

