Bp Rochus Tatamai
It's your birthday anniversary, it's their birthday anniversary.,it's our birthday anniversary, it's my birthday anniversary. ..happy and blessed Feast of Pentecost Sunday today to everyone. May the outpouring the gifts of the Holy Spirit be upon each and everyone with all our dear ones, families,friends and relatives and importantly our enemies as they are the same people as all the above in most cases. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of the faithful and rekindle in them the fire and flame of you LOVE...and they in turn shall renew the hearts of our brothers and sisters on the face of the earth. Today we rejoice and celebrate at he coming and outpouring of the gifts of God's Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the irst believers as the Acts of the Apostles recorded for us. God bless you all always especially today on your ours my beloved birthday anniversary.