09/04/2014 16:18

Fr. Anton JAVORSKY (PNG-AUS) 23.03.02; 21-39-41-46-46

Fr. Anton, son of Martin and Anna Martinkova and a native of Stiavnik, Slovakia, entered the SVD seminary in that city in 1932. He went through novi­tiate and philosophy in Nitra and went on to Vienna for his theology. Ordained a priest in 1946 he passed through Rome and then to Australia, where he studied English, on his way to PNG. From 1948 onwards he served in the mission sta­tions of Alexishafen, Kumbu, Denglagu, Bundi, Mugil and Mirap. He took over as parish priest of Alexishafen' s Holy Spirit parish before retiring to Epping, Austra­lia, in 1994. He passed away peacefully in Brisbane on March 23.

