09/04/2014 16:18
Fr. Anton JAVORSKY (PNG-AUS) 23.03.02; 21-39-41-46-46
Fr. Anton, son of Martin and Anna Martinkova and a native of Stiavnik, Slovakia, entered the SVD seminary in that city in 1932. He went through novitiate and philosophy in Nitra and went on to Vienna for his theology. Ordained a priest in 1946 he passed through Rome and then to Australia, where he studied English, on his way to PNG. From 1948 onwards he served in the mission stations of Alexishafen, Kumbu, Denglagu, Bundi, Mugil and Mirap. He took over as parish priest of Alexishafen' s Holy Spirit parish before retiring to Epping, Australia, in 1994. He passed away peacefully in Brisbane on March 23.