09/04/2014 16:15
Fr. Werner ANGENENT (PNG) 21.04.02; 41-61-63-67 -67
Fr. Werner, born to Albert and Maria Kremer, grew up in Bienen, diocese of Muenster. He began his studies in Steyl in 1955, went to St. Gabriel for his novitiate and philosophy before proceeding to S10 Augustine for his theology and ordination. Assigned to PNG in 1969 he worked in the stations of Banz, Wanenap and Laiagan. He was then transferred to Par and Sari before he became parish priest of Kandep/Mang in 1980 and of Kandep/ Mariant in 1996. Just as he was leaving Kandor, his last mission assignment, for home leave, on his way to the ordination of Fr. Laka Plews, SVD, he lost his life in a fatal car accident.