05/09/2016 09:17

Friends of Voice of Peter ToRot (FOVOPTR)

While we patiently await our happy and blessed day of canonization of our own Melanesian Brother na wantok Blessed Peter ToRot- Catechist and martyr...we can take courage and joy the St Teresa of Calcutta visited PNG three(3) times in 1974, 1977, and 1981. During these occassion she visited her Missionaries of Charity(Sisters) in Port Moresby...Hanuabada and Tokarara and even Veifa'a in Bereina and Kerema. Hey we ought to be proud that amongst the many Saints of the universal Church...we know and can physically related to already two(2) Saints ofvthe Church who set foot on PNG soil during the course of their earthly historical lives...Saints Teresa of Calcutta and Pope St.John Paul 2 pray for our Church in PNGSI that celebrates our 50 years of Jubilee or erection as Dioceses 15November 1966 - 15November 2016. "From Mission to Church - From Church to Mission"

Rochus Tatamai's photo.
Rochus Tatamai's photo.
Rochus Tatamai's photo.
Rochus Tatamai's photo.
Rochus Tatamai's photo.


