Ks. Włodzimierz Małota
Fr. Vlad Malota CM writes from mission in Papua New Guinea: "With my best greetings I would like to share with you a very good news, our project of milling timber for any further development in our vincentian mission in Goilala Mountains has kicked off and now it is in full swing with 4-5 cubic meters of timber a day, local people are extremely excited and myself I am so happy because this project opens the doors to many other projects and much larger development for example a new high school the goverment wants to establish in Fatima.
Pray for us for safety in heavy duty labor and for smooth operations to the end of this project initially we were targeting 100 cubic meters now… we go for even 300…"
Pozdrawiam weekendowo i załączam kilka zdjęć z naszego wspaniałego projektu, tniemy tarcicę na wszelkie nowe budowle w Fatimie, coś niesamowitego około 4-5 kubików na dzień, już pierwsze kubiki w Fatimie.
Polecamy się modlitwie, żeby bezpiecznie i bez przeszkód wytrwać w ciężkiej pracy.
Szczęść Boże
Ks. Włodzimierz Małota