24/07/2012 09:58

Port Moresby Archdiocese - Parish Youth Leaders Leadership Training

From May 15th to 22nd a parish youth leaders leadership training was held at

St. John the Apostle's Parish Pastoral Center, Tokarara for the parish youth

leaders of Port Moresby Archdiocese. 18 participants have participated in it

from 14 parishes and two Chaplaincies of Port Moresby Archdiocese and 4

parishes have missed the opportunity. One representation from University of

Papua New Guinea, One sister and two postulants of St. Ann Sisters of

Charity, one Aspirant of Oblates of Noter Dame Sisters, two sisters of

Missionaries of Charity Sisters, the diocesan president of women fellowship

and diocesan secretary of Commission of Laity have also participated in the

training. Among the  18 participants 13 were below 25 years of old and all

were single persons.


On 22nd Sunday the participants animated the Holy Mass at 7.30 am and did

two hours of presentation of their learnings to the parishioners of St. John

the Apostle parish from 7.30 to 9.30 in the evening. Archbishop John Ribat

MSC, Bp. Rochus Tatamai MSC - Deputy Bishop of Commission for the Youth, Bp.

Arnold Orowae - bishop of Wabag, Fr. Victor Roche -CBC General Secretary,

Fr. Mlak SVD, Missionaries of Charity Sisters from Tokarara and Hanubada and

Sisters of St. Anne of Charity from Gerehu were present for the

presentation. The youth from neighboring parishes were also present for the


From the CBC office I am creating opportunities, learning materials,

trainings and

experiences in the dioceses so that the dioceses can experiences them

directly from me and who are capable of materializing them can create youth

ministry proper in the diocese. I do not know is their any other better

option to assist the youth ministry in the dioceses from the CBC office and

in case if you have something better than what I am offering/trying you are

free to do it. I will be very happy to see it happens and ready to assist

from my office. Thank you.

Fr. Shanthi Chacko Puthussery PIME

