Prayer for the family Archdiocese of Rabaul
Lord Jesus, you have called each of us by name
to live in communion of love and holiness
and to be one in the great family of God's children.
Send us forth to shine with your light and to communicate
the fire of the Spirit through a life inspired by the gospel.
Virgin Most Holy, You were the "handmaid of the Lord";
fill all the members of our families
with gratitude and enthusiasm for this vocation and mission.
Give them your unreserved willingness for service to God
and the love for each other.
St. Joseph, you were the humble servant of Jesus and Mary,
may your spiritual strength and trust in God
inspire our men, fathers of families and leaders of society,
so that they might know how to overcome all the obstacles
that they encounter in accomplishing their mission.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
implore God’s blessings on all our families,
so that they might more fully respond to their vocation and mission,
in establishing on earth the civilization of truth and love,
as God wills it, for his glory. Amen.