30/04/2018 13:09

Refugees in Oceania

By Abigail Seta

Port Moresby: It is natural in our culture to reach out to those who seek refuge.

These were the words of Governor of NCD, Hon. Powes Parkop speaking to the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania Assembly on PNG and Refugees at the Airways hotel on Friday, 13th April.

“I would like to say that in terms of refugees, culturally, our people are naturally hospitable towards others and also to the refugees here in PNG,” he stated.

“The main challenge we face is how we have responded to the refugees in terms of basic services because PNG is not able to provide these basic services.”

Hon. Parkop highlighted on the transition of refugees in the past to today and the issue of harassment of women.

Also, speaking at the Assembly was the Ambassador to the Holy See, HE Melissa Hitchman, who spoke on the Holy See and Diplomatic Relations.  She shared with the FCBCO Assembly on Australia’s Global, Regional and Holy See bilateral diplomacy.

The program also saw Bp Leo Laba Ladja from Jayapura, speak on the Catholic Church in West Papua.

After the keynote speeches, two workshops were held on Youth Ministry in Oceania and Towards a Plenary Council 2020 which was conducted by Fr. Ambrose Pereira, SDB and Archbishop Mark Benedict Coleridge of Brisbane.




