14/06/2015 06:37

Relationship between university functions and community service at Divine Word University.(Report)


The common functions of faculty in universities across the world include teaching, research, and service to the institution, the profession, and the external community. The extent to which faculty are expected to accomplish any one of these functions depends upon how the particular institution defines its vision or mission. As a Christian university, Divine Word University's vision introduces a fourth function that is to maintain a Christian presence in the higher education. In this article, the President of DWU is exploring the synergy amongst those four functions describes how community service and effective administration of community service activities work together for the common good.


Divine Word University (DWU) and its staff are involved in a variety of community services activities, consisting of service to the university and service to the external community at the local, regional, state, national and international levels. This involvement is important for the University staff, their professional and personal development, and the community itself because the university's teaching and research programs generate relevant and quality results in the community. Through the community service, DWU wants to make a useful indirect and direct contribution to society. This article discusses the relationship between DWU's functions and community service (Czuba J. 2004).

Defining Community Service

Community service at DWU has its origin in the University's Charter. Community service at DWU includes these commercial and non-commercial activities and programs, offered by members of the University, which involve interaction with individuals, groups and institutions external to the University at the local, regional, state, national and international levels. Hence community service takes the form of intellectual, educational, cultural, scientific, religious and other services. It contributes to social progress, economic growth, spiritual or cultural development of individuals, groups, institutions or the community as a whole. It depends on individual interest and the needs of the community, which are constantly changing therefore, community service at DWU must be flexible to allow for these changes. Overall, DWU's community services aim at contributing meaningfully to the common good (Societatis Verbi Divini (SVD) 1977).

Community service at Divine Word University consists of activities, which are carried out by members of the DWU Community. Those activities:

* engage contacts with individuals, groups and organizations, external to the University, enabling them to share in the benefits of university expertise and/or facilities

* contribute to the spiritual growth, social progress, economic and cultural development of individuals, groups and organisations and/or the community in general

* are offered as a service through the teaching function, the research function, the sharing of expertise, the provision of access to facilities and/ or through special programs and services

* are linked with the Charter, vision, mission statement, goals and objectives of the DWU.

In order to place this understanding of community service within a meaningful context in PNG's complex and unique environment, several aspects of community service need to be explored to better understand its relationship with the University's vision, Charter and functions. …

