01/09/2014 14:19


By Jenny Mek
Mt Hagen

The Catholic Archdiocese of Mt Hagen is fast moving towards the setting up of a family home for neglected children. At a planning meeting on the 30th of July chaired by Abp. Douglas Young and attended by experienced people active in social work, family life ministry and health services a few guidelines were identified to respond to the deteriorating situation.

Five main elements of social change are believed to be responsible for the current abandonment  of children: parents contracting or dying ofHiv/Aids, marriage break ups, urban drift, unemployment, and inter-cultural marriages. Society rejection of orphans is quite alarming. Though there is awareness for orphans, yet there is no acceptance. A participant into the meeting,already working with orphans, revealed being herself over-looked, stigmatized and discriminated for taking care of the orphans. “People call them bastards”, she said.

Two main reasons are considered to be behind the rejection of orphans in the PNG Highlands.The first is land.There is a land shortage. People think that what is available should go to the biological children and not adopted orphans. Sangumaor sorcery related killings of one or both parents also negatively impact upon the children, who may be suspected of having inherited sorcery powers. For these reasons orphans are left to fend for themselves.


Provide family life support and counseling.

Provide housing: separate arrangement for boys and girls.

Promote nutrition programs.

Work with the Justice Department and Child Welfare.

Have clear guidelines for the centre.

Establish a drop-in centre.

Involve researchers in the team.

Put emphasis on spiritual guidance.

Consider age limitations to avoid conflicts.

Appoint a case manager for the centre.

Archbishop Douglas Youngstrongly stressed the importance of working in collaboration with the Government and NGOs that promote child rights and welfare.

