Youth inspiring Youth
By Fr. Ambrose Pereira SDB – Don Bosco Solomon Islands
20 FEB 2013. DON BOSCO Technical Institute, Henderson, Solomon Islands caters to young boys and girls most exposed to danger and yet so rich in promise’. The young are filled with zeal and talent. Their energy needs to be channeled to the advantage of the individual and benefit the community. Understanding, motivating, encouraging and guiding them is the task of each of us – pastors, priests, parents, teachers or leaders. While several are happy to tread the beaten track, a few are ready to get off the beaten track and try out something a bit different. Three second year students share their thoughts and impressions on what their courses are about. They have a message for their companions.
Electrical Course:
“I like my trade and am enjoying it very much. As a woman, I am completely accepted by all the male students in my class. There is no domination from them. I recall my years at home and admire my uncle Patterson Saeni, who is looking after the power station at Malo’o, Malaita Province. The trades men and women working there were from different provinces and that challenges me to take on this course excel in it and fulfill the desire of my heart”, says Margaret Saeni, Senior Electrical student. Her message to the young girls and boys of today is to choose something that you like to do and work hard to achieve what you aim for.
Life Skills Course:
“Enjoy doing the simple things in life and that will help you become a better citizen. It takes time to learn and put simple things into practice – greeting people, good manners, clean surroundings and hygiene are common things, but they are very important”, says Alfred Piringisau, Senior Life Skills student. “I love my course and I want to become a chef. I want to be able to prepare different types of dishes from different countries. In future, I wish to supervise a quality five star Hotel in the country”, states Alfred as he ponders about his career in future.
He is happy that the course is well organized as it deals with different areas - be it in the kitchen, outdoor area, decision making, textile work or health. To the youth, especially the boys, he tells them that this course – Life Skills and Home Economics is not only for girls and women, but is beneficial to everyone. Men are involved in a variety of tasks – kitchen, reception, front desk, housekeeping or even supervising industries. Put your heart into it and you will benefit yourself, your family, your children and your country, states the composed student.
Carpentry Course:
Audrey Mara is a Second Year Carpentry student and enjoys doing all sorts of carpentry jobs. Making furniture, drawing building plans and doing all that a builder has to do. Her goal in life is to become a trade Instructor and help others in her community and country with her skills. “The most important things in your life are valued and cared for. Do not forget your health and safety as they are very important”, she says. Her message to the girls and young women is: ‘It doesn’t matter if it is a man’s job, we women can do it too’.
“We, at Don Bosco, offer equal opportunities to the young and are happy that young boys and girls can go beyond the gender bias to take up trades that they enjoy and even excel in”, says Camari Bainivalu, principal. ( –